Trump's Presidency has been based upon racism and white nationalism from day one. He was not elected because he is a great businessman. Indeed, he has been a complete failure. Five bankruptcies, a closed university, a failed casino. No, he knows nothing about business!
It was not due to his policies. Separating families. Doling out tax cuts to the wealthy. Trying to take health care from the very poor and working class, uneducated white folks who support him. What is powerful enough to get white folks to vote against their own interests? RACISM!
These are folks who are afraid that being white no longer guarantees success or respect. They are so insecure that they need to find someone other than themselves to blame. Voila! Black people!!
Racism is not going away, and the news media is to blame for not pointing this out every time they mentioned Trump! It should be:" Trump, the racist, lying, ego maniacal, child-bully, inept, dumb President".
But, the racism is the key to understanding all of this, and it will not go away!